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Foundations of Library and Information Science
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In this fourth edition, Rubin excels at providing everything working library professionals and those desiring to become library professionals need to know. This text could be considered the librarian's Bible, as it is so comprehensive in its coverage of the profession. Rubin's relaxed and conversational writing style makes it a highly approachable text and a valuable addition to any professional resource collection, library and information science classroom, or personal reference." --Voice of Youth Advocates"Well informed about the latest developments and issues in the field ... LIS faculty who teach introductory courses in LIS should consider assigning Rubin's text as the primary reading. No textbook can perfectly match every instructor's desired learning outcomes, but this one may serve well with just a few supplementary readings." --American Reference Books Annual"Continues to deserve its place in the required curriculum of many American MLS programs ... in its latest edition, [it] lives up to the broad expectations set by its title." --Against the Grain
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About the Author
Richard E. Rubin served as Director of the School of Library and Information Science at Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, from 1999 2010, and subsequently became Associate Provost for Extended (Online) Education at KSU until his retirement in 2013. He received his AB in Philosophy from Oberlin College, his MLS from Kent State University, and his PhD from the School of Library and Information Science at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. He has spoken and presented at workshops throughout the United States, primarily on aspects of human resource management, including hiring, performance evaluation, discipline and termination, worker motivation, and ethics in the workplace. Dr. Rubin has been active in professional associations on the national and local level, including serving as a member and Chair of the ALA Committee on Accreditation. He is the author of numerous publications, including three books, Human Resources Management in Libraries: Theory and Practice (Neal-Schuman, 1991), Hiring Library Employees (Neal-Schuman, 1994), and three editions of Foundations of Library and Information Science (Neal-Schuman 2000, 2004, 2010). His articles have appeared in a variety of journals, including Library Quarterly and Library and Information Science Research.
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Product details
Paperback: 648 pages
Publisher: Neal-Schuman Publishers; 4 edition (December 7, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9780838913703
ISBN-13: 978-0838913703
ASIN: 0838913709
Product Dimensions:
6 x 1.3 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.8 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.0 out of 5 stars
64 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#367,599 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
I was assigned the Third Edition (2010) of Richard Rubin’s textbook Foundations of Library and Information Science for a course in my first semester of a Master of Library Science degree program. Anytime I see the word “Foundations†in a textbook title I prepare myself for a yawnfest. The word usually signifies a broad but shallow overview of a subject that cursorily and dryly touches on a lot of topics without providing enough detail to render any of them interesting. Not so with Rubin’s book. It provides an excellent overview of the library and information sciences and does so in an engaging and stimulating manner.LIS is a pretty diverse discipline, encompassing a lot of occupations and areas of scholarship, but Rubin manages to give them all their fair due. He provides a comprehensive overview of this broad field of study, but also succeeds in exploring the subject in satisfying depth, delving into matters of both theory and practice. While I was reading the book, every time I thought to myself, “but what about this?†sure enough, within a few pages Rubin had answered my question. The writing is crystal clear and concise and doesn’t put the reader to sleep. In fact, his text is often engaging and inspires enthusiasm for the profession. Although the intended audience is students just starting out on the road to librarianship, Rubin’s take on the profession is neither pat-ourselves-on-the-back congratulatory nor rosily optimistic. He gives a balanced perspectives on the pros and cons of library work and doesn’t shy away from discussing the challenges librarians face in the Digital Age.The organization and design of the book is very user-friendly, with lots of helpful lists and tables. The text is logically subdivided under multiple levels of subheads, making it easy to find or refind what you’re looking for. I could likely use this book as a reference for every paper I write over the course of my masters program, if for nothing else than to consult its lists of sources and selected readings. I rented this book, but I wish I would have bought it. Too bad its so pricey. I would gladly buy an e-book edition, if the publisher would make one available.
I was the only one in my class to read the whole book over the summer. I learned a lot but felt silly when I raised my hand and no one else did. Yes, I'm a geek.
Neal-Schumann books hold the market on Information and Library Science textbooks and during most of my MLS classes, very few of their books were digitally available, so I got the HC textbook. I got a very good price here at Amazon compared to the school bookstore, and the used textbooks are generally in pretty good shape at Amazon so I always check here for textbooks.The book itself was thorough, although class lectures largely addressed the same content. My main complaint is the very small typesetting and much of the information in this authors' textbooks is repetitive - which makes some sense for introductory classes but there was a fair amount of overlap, I didn't end up using the actual textbook that much as the content was largely covered within my other classes that semester. Might be of more use if you are taking one class per semester instead of a full courseload.
Had to buy this for school for a Masters program. Usually I would consider renting books. But this one I am glad I purchased. Rubin does a good job giving a well rounded view of the past, present and future of the Library professional. It is an easy read and not overly technical like some. The references to scholarly journals in each chapter alone are worthwhile if you need more info on a particular chapter topic. Glad I purchased this one. I know I will go back to it for reference.
Standard well-known textbook for MLIS and some library tech classes. I covered my paperback copy with book tape because you will be referring to this book a lot during your studies.
The book was helpful because it was a required text for my course. However, I give it three stars because it was sticky and I had to wipe it clean. Another drawback is you can't highlight or make any notes in the book.
had to have this for school. it was okay. i would say for the subject matter, it was pretty easy to read and had enough flow and design so you would not get bored.
It's a textbook, great. No really it is a nice resource, my prof thinks it's a little outdated even though it is the current edition but I don't mind it at all.
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